Becoming a Member

Join Rotary’s 1.4 million neighbors, friends, leaders, and problem-solvers who see a world where people unite and take action to create lasting change – across the globe, in our communities, and in ourselves.

What are the benefits?

Becoming a Rotary member connects you with a diverse group of professionals who share your drive to give back. Through regular meetings and events, you’ll:

  • Discuss your community’s needs and develop creative ways to meet them

  • Connect with other leaders who are changing the world

  • Expand your leadership and professional skills

  • Catch up with good friends and meet new ones

What will be expected of me?

As a club member, you will be asked to:

  • Pay club membership dues - $125 every 6 months

  • Attend at least 1 event per month

  • Use your professional skills and talents to make a difference

  • Strongly encouraged: Donate at least $25/year to the Rotary Foundation

What is the process for becoming a member?

  1. Attend a Mission Valley Evening Rotary business meeting.

  2. Attend at least one other Mission Valley Evening Rotary event or meeting.

  3. Pay your club membership dues - $125 every 6 months. We have a one-time $40 initiation fee for new members which includes your welcome folder, a Rotary pin, member badge, and club t-shirt.

  4. Fill out the new member application.

  5. The Mission Valley Evening Rotary board will review your application for membership.

  6. After your application is approved, you’ll be pinned as a new member at the next business meeting you attend.